The One Golf Stretch…

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What makes an exercise a GOLF specific exercise?

Two key aspects of a golf swing are — shoulder turn — and balance. If an exercise/stretch helps contribute to either of these two fundamentals, it can be considered a GOLF exercise.

This post will describe a few key exercises that:

  1. Help with your BALANCE during the golf swing — and/or
  2. Help you make a better shoulder turn

These are the two centerpieces of a repeatable golf swing — balance — and a good, consistent shoulder turn.

Aren’t All Exercises Useful?

When people talk about golf specific exercises, they seem to include everything from weight-lifting to yoga to simple stretching.

While no exercise is inherently detrimental, some exercises target ‘golfing muscles’ more than others.

The end of this post highlights ONE SINGLE Pre Round Stretch — that can loosen all your golf muscles. (If you have trouble making a full shoulder turn, try this tip )

Lower Body and Core Workout

‘Full Body Exercises’ is a term that applies to a few tried and tested exercises. These include Squats, Dead Lifts and Planks.

Squats, Dead Lifts and Planks

  • Squats
  • Dead Lifts
  • Planks

Squats — The King of All Golf Exercises

Squats are known as the KING of full body exercises. They engage more muscle groups than most exercises — and that is one the reasons they hurt so much. Squats will uncover muscles that haven’t been used in a while — and cause soreness the day after. This, of course, is a desirable type of soreness.

